Monday, April 16, 2012

Get Over Yourself

You have probably already looked at the title of this blog and made one of assumptions. Im either crazy or a blaspheming heratic. Maybe Im a little of both, but who are you to judge? Hear me out...
Most of you like me at one point. Believed fully in a diety, god, or messiah. Either as a child or adult that glass has been filled at one point. I myself dove full in and jumped back out. If you try to hard you can lose yourself in religion. Its more about conformity and who wants that? Really? We all secretly want to be ourselves.Why do you think we try so hard to be like others? Its because we precieve that they are being true to themselves. When reallly it is just a fasad like everyone else and this vicious circle of fake ass people just keeps turning and then where does that leave everything but in one massive fucked up ball of confusion, lies and deception. Get over yourselves people. Put down the Gucci and the Nike. The Bentley or the Lexus. Let that shit go. Are you buying that stuff for you? or other people? Cause I know when you buy it you think wait till they see me in this!! Misguided intentions is all it is. You have to retrain yourself. I have found that doing things for me and living like this is my own world has turned my prespective of life upside down. I had to let it all go... I went on a spiritual quest not one of past where you pilgramage thousands of miles or fast for 40 days. Though I have fasted for 28. One of a more modern approach. i lost everything the good paying job, the girl, the hose even the dog. Life was a country song. For a long time I lost the will to go. Then I found my Niche. LIFE. For years I have studided and locked myelf away studying theology, theory, how to's. I have studided at Physics at MIT, bounced ideas with the greatest minds in the world. I have studied quantum theory, string theory. I have listened to the Dalai Lama speak many times. I have sat in on Stephen Hawking's lectures. I have no degree, just a High School Diploma. Im not a scholar. I was a Marine. Im just a normal guy with a very inquisitive mind. I have a wild imagination and love to feed it. Im a think tank with ADD and I like that. I can keep myself entertained daily just on the net contemplating life. Through all of my research I havent ruled out that god exist. In fact I now know that he does. I have just realized that our conception of him is all wrong. He isnt a babysitter, he aint your daddy. He's more like a big brother. A guiding hand when needed but he's not gonna carry you through it. He created this world for me as much as he did for you. He will let you fail, hurt, lose the will to live. That is upon you. You can either let that cripple you or you can evolve and realize this. I was made to be happy, procreate if I chose, evolve, learn lessons and set my own course through life. All in furthing the evolution of my species.  Yes he is directing me I take hints. (Is it god or my subconscience guiding me I dunno.) I just follow what feels right. We all run around waiting for gods help and to hear him talk. When we all have this voice inside us that we ignore daily. What do I mean. When you go to a burning stove. Your voice says thats hot. You still grab it. You get burned and probably cuss god for it. Ignorant when you think about it. I will dive into this later but BECOMING GOD isnt about controlling others its about controlling your own world and you own way of living. Not being anothers master but to master yourself and your surroundings. To achieve this you must be respectful, free of anger and attachment, have a sense of humor and have a willingness to fail ALOT! Life is about experience, and how you evole from that. Either you fail or succeed. There is no middle ground and only you know where you stand in that.

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